Tuesday, August 21, 2007

weigh-in #15

week: -1
total: -15

Up early today for a meeting. Feel like crap. Can't tell whether it's because I slept poorly, or nerves. Or the cheat meal pizza that turned into a two-day extravaganza. Ugh.

Must fly.

Remember to see how the others are doing at Tales from the Scales


Mom said...

Pizza is a killer for me too. A major temptation. I only buy as much as I know that we will eat in one night. No leftovers. I buy thin crust and nothing but cheese. I try not to do it more than once a month. It's a hard hit to the diet.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

You are making wonderful progress, though! Congrats on the steady loss. Path to Health

JHS said...

When you fall off the wagon, you just have to get up, dust yourself off and get back on!

It's hard. And pizza? (Groan.)

Hang in!