Tuesday, August 7, 2007

MDC 13

since last weigh: -3
total: -14

Was out of town again last week. I did find a scale while I was there, but it was old and didn't give consistent readings, so I ignored it. It was hard to make good choices when I was at my parents, since they really don't stock a lot of the things I've started eating. I guess I did well enough though, so I'm not going to dwell on it.

I reached the mini-goal of a few weeks ago, which means I've lost another 5% (mentioned this earlier in the blog). The next short-term goal must be to hit the next lowest number ending in zero. That's seven more pounds, and I'm only averaging a pound a week, so that will probably be a goal that extends beyond the end of this Challenge.


Denise said...

You are doing good, hang in there sweet one.

Mom said...

You ARE doing well! Take care, keep it up and see you next week!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Woohoo! That's awesome! Path to Health