Tuesday, June 10, 2008

ending the slack

week: +0.5
total since 01/07: -59

I've decided I have to get back into journaling at least once a week. I've been a total slacker on so many fronts, that now it is catching up with me. We were out of town for the weekend, and we got fed really well. We did plenty of walking and running around, but not nearly enough to burn off what I ate. I haven't really established that workout schedule that I posted last week (getting ready for this trip took a lot of time), but I'm packed for the gym now, and will be going that way in about an hour. I don't want to overdo it, because we are also scheduled to go to TSD tonight as well.

Anyway, I've been feeling like I'm going backwards on this weight loss thing for the last three or four weeks (!) and I have to get it under control. That starts today.

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