Wednesday, November 28, 2007

LG08 #10

week: -3
total: -9

Ahh, Thanksgiving weekend was easy for me. No parties, no family, just me and the hubs lounging around and drinking hot coffee to stave off the autumn chill (which has finally arrived on the south coast). Didn't make a turkey (have done in the past, way too much work for 2), but did have mashers (oh how I love them) so by themselves they make it Thanksgiving.

The hardest part of the long weekend (as I mentioned before) was that the martial arts school and the campus gym were both closed -- except that I found out the gym was open on Sunday for regular hours! So we did get in one workout. It was tough after even just that little break. But I'm reinvigorated and re-inspired.

Broke out the breadmaker, to try going w/out store-bought bread for a bit. Then discovered that my flour is old, and makes the top cave in. Haven't had a chance to get new flour yet, but I haven't abandoned the home bread challenge just yet.


Mom said...

Aha! So that's what is wrecking my bread! I tried to make it in my breadmaker over Thanksgiving and it bombed.

Congrats on your loss!! Keep up the good work!

Donetta said...

good work!

Rebecca Johnson said...

WTG...keep up that good work!

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Congrats on the weight loss. Have you ever tried to do one of those turkey breasts? They aren't very big and they are easy to do. I make them periodically throughout the year.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Congrats on the loss - that's awesome!
Path to Health

ammo said...

Thanks all for the good words.

I have done just a turkey breast in the past. I didn't see any when I was shopping before the holiday, so we just had chicken instead. And really, I don't care what I eat as long as I'm with loved one(s).