Wednesday, November 14, 2007

LG08 #8

week: -2.5
total: -8

Wow, finally some action on the scales there. I think it was the afternoon snack I was having at the office that was messing me up. I think -- it's so hard to make a determination for a system as complex as the human body.

At Target, I found Apple Cinnamon Almonds. YUM! They aren't overboard on sodium or sugar (and no HFCS in the ingreds at all). We've decided they won't replace plain old raw almonds most of the time, but they'll be good for a change periodically. I also love that Target carries raw cashews, my favorite kind of nut. I always find them in the deli/produce area, not in the nut aisle.


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Congrats on the weight loss!

Donetta said...

I love raw almond they keep my blood sugar balanced. Have you tried an apple with walnuts for mid day snack. Yum!