Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Look Great in '08 - Wrap Up

week: -1.5
total: -14.5

Losing weight in the winter is hard. There are too many holidays, thus too many parties, thus too much food. Here on the Gulf Coast, that means it starts at Thanksgiving and does not end till after Mardi Gras. But I think my metabolism thinks I'm still a Midwestern girl, and feels like it must hold on to every little calorie to get me through the cold dark days and nights -- even though there were actually a few days in Feb. when we turned on the cold air during the day.

I think I might finally have broken my plateau. The last two days have seen record low weights for me (since I started keeping track). I've been consistent with my exercise (the pressure of testing really helps) and I've gone to bed hungry a few nights this week (cf. Jan's NLNE). Haven't been as good about taking my lunch. There's always something to work on.

I like having the Challenge, and I hope there is another one now that this one is finished. I don't think I really need the challenge for motivation, per se, but I like making the permanent record via these blog posts (I don't think I would have done so without the Challenge, in fact). I like knowing that others are coming here to check on me, and I like reading the other members' posts too.

1 comment:

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

I agree, posting about progress is very motivating. It helps remind us how far we've come. Congrats on reaching new lows! I think the TFTS gals forgot this is the last weigh in of this challenge. ;-)
Path to Health