Tuesday, December 2, 2008

week 100

week: +0.5
total: -69

One hundred weeks have gone by since I started my get healthy adventure. I'm on the high side of normal for my height now, according to most online calculators. I'm supposed to meet with my doctor soon for a yearly checkup, I may ask him if the clinic has a BMI testing facility.

all the changes I've made to my life in 100 weeks, if you had told me I'd be getting up early to go to the gym, I'd have laughed in your face.

It's an evolution that has enhanced my life, that's for certain. I'm not winded when climbing the stairs to my office, my knee doesn't usually give me problems anymore.

I still have the problem of being lured in by easy meals -- I'm not such a good cook, and I'm still a slave to taste. Still fighting against that.

In a couple weeks, will be the 2-year anniversary of this journey. I will have to work hard to get to the middle range of normal, because my body seems to feel that where I am now is good enough.

When I started this, I was wearing size 24 jeans. Now my pants are in the 8-12 range (darn you clothing industry and your non-standardized pants sizes!). I never measured my body at its largest -- I just didn't want to know the worst of it. But the jeans numbers are telling enough.

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