Sunday, April 6, 2008

a weird week

Tuesday/Wednesday my knee was really bothering me, a lot more than it ever has. So, I opted out of going to Tang Soo Do those nights. My cycle started early -- and I use oral contraceptives, which are supposed to help regulate that -- what's up with that?! As you might imagine, I'm always a little leery of wearing my white do bok pants on the earliest days of my cycle. So I opted out of Tang Soo Do on Thursday and Friday as well. Saturday morning, I woke up with the beginnings of a migraine. Took an ibuprofin, went back to bed, thinking my husband would wake me up in time for class. I slept until 1:30pm. I was glad to get the sleep, but I wish I had tried to go to class at least.

My weight has been weird too this week: up two, down two, up two again, every day something different and unexpected. Rather a lot like the weather, actually. I'm sure both will settle down soon.

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