Tuesday, September 30, 2008

September ends

week: -2.5
total: -68

In the last week I did:
Tang Soo Do twice (Wed/Sat) (with hubby)
gym twice (Tues/Thurs)
cross-campus sprint walk between my MTWR classes, took the stairs several times, etc.

super busy last week: got up early and headed to the gym, completely forgetting that I should post something here. I'm almost ready for the gym today already, but I do have a few free minutes.

I rented a locker at the gym, since I'm trying that morning workout thing, so I'd have a place to keep my shower shoes w/out lugging them back and forth (and forgetting them at home more often than not). BUT the locker rental is $90 -- while it costs $1 to rent a towel on a per need basis. Twice a week for 45 weeks to justify that expense -- and it's a service I don't really need in summer. Maybe I'll switch to semesterly after this year is up.

I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights. I'm reluctant to go to bed in the first place (why? no idea, not tired); once I'm there it takes longer than usual to drop off; then I wake up every so often in a blind panic (or from a bad dream, like Sunday night), and I'm crushed when I see that it is still dark out. I think I have to force myself to go to bed earlier, even if I don't feel tired, just to unwind and settle the brain.

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