Wednesday, October 17, 2007

LGi08: check in week four

week: -0
total: -6

I realized yesterday that I've lost half the total weight of my goal, a journey which I began in January of this year. So in view of that fact, one week of maintenance seems like not such a big deal. The master instructor at our training hall comments that we look slimmer every time we see him. When I first got back to work after summer break, I got some comments about how good I look too.

The most striking change I've noticed -- not counting the reduction in jeans size -- is the fact that I have arm muscles. I'm lying in bed holding a book; I glance down, and my bicep is literally popping off my arm. And I like that the muscle is there, so I want to keep exercising to make sure it doesn't go away. There's my motivation.

Visit Tales from the Scales to meet more people participating in the Look Great in 2008 Challenge.


Diana Swallow said...

Congrats on your loss so far this year and if you take into consideration that muscle weighs more than fat and you are in smaller clothes, you've lost a lot more than you think but you've also gained better heath in the process.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Woohoo! Congrats on your great progress. :-)
Path to Health