How does it work? On Tuesday, May 8th, you post on your blog how much weight you want to lose, and your weight history, what other goals you may have for this challenge (creating activity, cutting out soda, etc.) and any weaknesses you have. Come back to this site and sign Mr. Linky. Begin your diet. You have one week from today to plan your diet and prepare yourself for finding the skinny girl inside of you. She's in there and she wants out.
okay I'm a day late here.
Goal: lose at minimum 50 pounds, maximum 75 pounds.
History: I have never been small, but I recently saw a picture of myself as I was about to graduate high school, and in comparison I looked surprisingly trim. At the time I was size 16 in jeans, 12? in dresses. I was moderately active thanks to marching band, but not athletic. Now, 17 years later, mostly through inattention and inactivity, I've gained quite a bit.
Plans: I started taking steps in January (watching my diet, keeping track of my intake and weight, moving more), and lost 17 pounds, but for the past month or two, I've been on a solid plateau. Work is definitely to blame for this, as I'm just too tired to exercise after leaving the office. Soon the pressure will be off, and I should be able to get back to the gym regularly.
Weakness: prepackaged foods that make preparing dinner less complicated. I feel like I have to keep up with my husband, or else he'll eat it all (clearly not good for him if it's not good for me). I either need to learn how to make less, or I need to train him not to eat everything in sight.